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Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. -  Romans12:2

Recovery INX is dedicated to working with men and women who are seeking a better way of living. We provide services and products to individuals, groups, and ministries dedicated to these men and women. For those who are longing for change, Recovery INX strives to be part of the solution by teaching Bible studies, Christ-centered 12-step programs, and Sober Living Lessons. Visit our BLOG for more information. 

What does INX stand for? 1. INX stands for "In Christ". The letter X is a symbol used to represent Christ. 2. INX is a phonetic spelling of inks, which is used for writing. It is a powerful tool in both healing and learning; hence, journaling is key to progress in Bible study and recovery. Browse our selection of pens and journals in the INX store. Click HERE to go the store.

Notebook and Pen

Mission Fields

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Sober Residence at Willow Brook Ranch is a newly created sober living facility in Cooke County Texas. The 6,500 square foot facility sits on the 100 acre ranch. Our mission is to teach the life skills needed to live free of drugs, alcohol, or whatever we use to self-medicate.


Currently we host three Bible studies and a 12-step recovery each week. A 6-month comprehensive sober lifestyle curriculum is in development.


Taking Anger Seriously is a Godly answer to anger issues. Written by Pastor George Quin, this book is a great tool for individuals, small group studies, and home groups. The book is currently in use in the Texas Prison Systems. 

Click HERE to go to Taking Anger Seriously website.

Click HERE to purchase book.


Jimmie is developing a workbook for the course taught in prisons. A part of Recovery INX Ministry is working with the Taking Anger Seriously Team 

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Recovery INX has paired with Tin Man Ministries, a 501c3 dedicated to the restoration of men overcoming the devastations of addiction and compulsions. Together we provide opportunities for these men to work, learning how to create, produce, and sell hand-made crafts. Today’s offerings are made from locally harvested cedar.  All projects are built by hand at one of our two manufacturing sites (Era and Tioga, Texas).  

To view and/or purchase crosses please click HERE or go to The INX Store > Inspirational Items

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