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Making Time for a Morning Routine Key to Sober Living

Reorganizing our time is key to living the sober life that recovery offers. By changing our daily routines and habits, we set ourselves up for progress. If you are willing to change your time frame you can change your mind frame. Here are some guidelines.

  1. Get up early and begin the day with a devotional reading/study, followed by prayer and meditation.

  2. Make your bed. Start the day organized.

  3. Grab a bite to eat and energize the body...some folks grab a coffee as well.

  4. Schedule your morning so you get to your first destination 5-10 minutes early, take the rush, panic, and anxiety out of the morning.

  5. Organize your morning for efficiency and cross off items on the "to-do list." Getting some small and medium tasks done helps one to feel accomplishment, effective, and successful. Build success on success!

  6. Eat lunch at a scheduled time. Take time for a little prayer and meditation, if possible to re-center and energize.

The best thing to do for a consistent morning routine is a consistent sleep routine. Get 6-8 hours of quality sleep each night.

Try it for thirty days and see how much you change and how it effects your peace and sobriety. Best wishes!

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